quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2014

Unidade. 0

Classroom language sentences.Translate them.

A)I  don't understand. Can you repeat that, please?
A)Eu não entendo você pode repetir isso, por favor?
B)What does ''favorite'' mean?
B)O que é que ''favorito'' significa?
C)How do you say ''camisa'' in English?
C)Como se diz ''camisa'' em Inglês?
D)How do you spell ''English?''
D)Como se soletra ''English?''
E)Sorry I'm late.
E)Descupe o atraso.

segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2014


Descreva sua casa :

I live in an apartment ;and he big ,he has: one living room , one dining room , one kitchen , three bedrom's , four bathroom's , i like is my apartment because him is cozy , elegant , comforteble. I LOVE MY APARTAMENT!!!

Qual é o seu cômodo da casa favorito? Descreva-o.

My favorite place in my apartament , and my room , it has:one  cozy bed, one TV that can play and watch my favorite shows, and my favorite toys.

Escreva por extenso as idades de 10 membros da sua família ou de 10 amigos .

Mariane- My mom is forty two years old.
Clodoaldo- My dad is forty five years old.
Hilda- My grandma is sixty three years old.
Josef- My grandpa is sixty nine years old.
Rafaela- My aunt is thirty two years old.
Gustavo- My cousin is seven years old.
Isabella- My sister is five years old.
Matheus- My cousin is eleven years old.
Larissa- My cousin is nine years old.
Leonardo- My cousin is two years old.



.Faça uma lista de 20 países e suas nacionalidades:

País                                            Nacionalidade

.Australia                                  Australian                                 
.Japan                                        Japanese
.Italy                                          Italian         
.England                                    English                         
.Russia                                       Russian
.Germany                                   German
.Spain                                         Spanish
.Argentina                                  Argentinian  
.France                                       Franch
.USA                                          American
.Mexico                                      Mexican
.Brasil                                         Brazilian
.China                                         Chinese
.Poland                                        Polish
.Cuba                                           Cuban
.Bolivia                                        Bolivian
.Chile                                           Chilean
.Peru                                            Peruvian
.Uruguay                                     Uruguayan
. Paraguay                                    Paraguayan

. Escolha 5 pessoas famosas e escreva sobre elas.
     My name's is Sakira and I'm from colombian, i  have thirty seven years old.I'm married with Gerard Piqué,i have one son and a boy , Milan.''I'm very happy''!!!

     My name's is Madonna and I'm from american , i have fifty two years old .I am single , i am known as ''Queen of pop''

Papa Francisco
     My name's is Francisco and I'm from argentinian , i have seventy eight years old .And I'm the first Latim American pope.

Juliana Paes
     My name's is Juliana Paes and I'm from brasilian i have thirty two years old I'm married with Carlos Baptista,i have two children, Pedro and Antonio . I am artist of the globe.

     My name's is Edson Arantes do Nascimento i am more known as Pelé. I'm from  brasilian I  am was soccer player now retired. I have seventeen three years old.

Unidade . 0                                   

1)Escreva 5 frases utilizadas em sala de aula,em inglês e em português:


.Can you help me?
.Come in , please.
.One monent please.
.Good  afternoon!
.Open your book's please.


.Você pode me ajudar?
.Venha aqui por favor.
.Um momento por favor.
.Boa Tarde!
.Abram seus livros por favor.

.Escreva um diálogo  no qual você se apresente a alguém:

Gabriela- Hello,my name's is Gabriela .What's your name?
Isabella- I'm Isabella.
Gabriela- How old are you?
Isabella- I'm five .How old are you?
Gabriela- I'm ten.
Isabella- She is italian?
Gabriela- No,i'm not,i am brasilian.
Gabriela- She is german?
Isabella- No,i'm not ,i am brasilian.
Gabriela- What's favorite day?
Isabella- My favorite Valentine's day. And your favorite day?
Gabriela- My favorite Christmas day.
Isabella- What favorite color?
Gabriela- Is purple, and you?
Isabella- My favorite color is pink.
Gabriela- By, see you tomorrow!
Isabella- See you tomorrow!

.Escreva os números por extenso:

Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.